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Det finns ingen term för begreppet på det valda språket.

masse > kilogramme > Slug (en)

Föredragen term

F13Slug (en)  


  • The slug is a unit of mass associated with Imperial units. It is a mass that accelerates by $1 ft/s$ when a force of one pound-force ($lbF$) is exerted on it. With standard gravity $gc = 9.80665 m/s$, the international foot of $0.3048 m$ and the avoirdupois pound of $0.45359237 kg$, one slug therefore has a mass of approximately $32.17405 lbm$ or $14.593903 kg$. At the surface of the Earth, an object with a mass of 1 slug exerts a force of about $32.17 lbF$ or $143 N$.

Överordnat begrepp


  • 0112/2///62720#UAA978
  • F13
  • slug

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