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Föredragen term

Mass Ratio  


  • In aerospace engineering, mass ratio is a measure of the efficiency of a rocket. It describes how much more massive the vehicle is with propellant than without; that is, it is the ratio of the rocket's wet mass (vehicle plus contents plus propellant) to its dry mass (vehicle plus contents)

Underordnade begrepp


  • 0112/2///62720#UAD109
  • R or M_{R}


  • In aerospace engineering, mass ratio is a measure of the efficiency of a rocket. It describes how much more massive the vehicle is with propellant than without; that is, it is the ratio of the rocket's wet mass (vehicle plus contents plus propellant) to its dry mass (vehicle plus contents)

Termer på andra språk

  • 0112/2///62720#UAD109

  • R or M_{R}



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