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Информация о концепции

На этом языке нет термина для этой концепции.

accelerazione > Metre per Square Second (en)

Предпочитаемый термин

m/s²Metre per Square Second (en)  


  • The $\ extit{meter per Square second}$ is the unit of acceleration in the International System of Units (SI). As a derived unit it is composed from the SI base units of length, the metre, and the standard unit of time, the second. Its symbol is written in several forms as $m/s^2$, or $m s^{-2}$. As acceleration, the unit is interpreted physically as change in velocity or speed per time interval, that is, $\ extit{metre per second per second}$.

Концепция более широкого понятия

На других языках

  • английский

  • Meter per Square Second

    английский (Соединенные Штаты)



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