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Язык содержимого

Информация о концепции

На этом языке нет термина для этой концепции.

Density (en) > kilogramme par mètre cube > Degree Baume (US Heavy) (en)
Mass Concentration (en) > kilogramme par mètre cube > Degree Baume (US Heavy) (en)

Предпочитаемый термин

0112/2///62720#UAA029Degree Baume (US Heavy) (en)  


  • graduation of the areometer scale for determination of density of fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units, which are heavier than water

Концепция более широкого понятия


  • graduation of the areometer scale for determination of density of fluids according to the Anglo-American system of units, which are heavier than water

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