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Activity (en) > Becquerel > MicroCurie (en)

Termo preferencial

uCiMicroCurie (en)  


  • Another commonly used measure of radioactivity, the microcurie: $1 \\micro Ci = 3.7 \ imes 10 disintegrations per second = 2.22 \ imes 10 disintegrations per minute$. A radiotherapy machine may have roughly 1000 Ci of a radioisotope such as caesium-137 or cobalt-60. This quantity of radioactivity can produce serious health effects with only a few minutes of close-range, un-shielded exposure. The typical human body contains roughly $0.1\\micro Ci$ of naturally occurring potassium-40.

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  • 0112/2///62720#UAA062
  • M5
  • uCi
  • μCi

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