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Det finnes ingen termer for dette begrepet på dette språket

corriente eléctrica > amperio > Abampere (en)

Anbefalt term

abAAbampere (en)  


  • The $\ extit{Abampere (aA)}$, also called the $biot$ after Jean-Baptiste Biot, is the basic electromagnetic unit of electric current in the emu-cgs system of units (electromagnetic cgs). One $abampere$ is equal to ten amperes in the SI system of units. An $abampere$ is the constant current that produces, when maintained in two parallel conductors of negligible circular section and of infinite length placed 1 centimetre apart, a force of 2 dynes per centimetre between the two conductors.

Overordnede begreper


  • The Abampere (aA), also called the biot after Jean-Baptiste Biot, is the basic electromagnetic unit of electric current in the emu-cgs system of units (electromagnetic cgs). One abampere is equal to ten amperes in the SI system of units. An abampere is the constant current that produces, when maintained in two parallel conductors of negligible circular section and of infinite length placed 1 centimetre apart, a force of 2 dynes per centimetre between the two conductors.

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