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Käsitteen tiedot

Käsitteelle ei ole termiä tällä kielellä.

momento di inerzia > chilogrammo metro quadrato > Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Foot (en)

Käytettävä termi

[lb_av].[sft_i]Pound Mass (avoirdupois) Square Foot (en)  


  • product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2


  • product of the unit pound according to the avoirdupois system of units and the power of the unit foot according to the Anglo-American and the Imperial system of units with the exponent 2


  • 0112/2///62720#UAA671
  • K65
  • [lb_av].[sft_i]
  • lbm·ft²

Muunkieliset termit



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