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Preferowany termin

8408 10 23For seagoing vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89061000  

Pojęcie szersze

Terminy pojęciowe

  • For seagoing vessels of headings 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 89040010 and warships of subheading 89061000

Notka dotycząca zakresu

  • Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel engine", for seagoing vessels of heading 8901 to 8906, tugs of subheading 8904.00.10 and warships of subheading 8906.10.00, new, of a power <= 50 kW

Należy do tablicy


  • 840810230080

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