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4419 20 90Other  

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Terminy pojęciowe

  • Other

Notka dotycząca zakresu

  • Tableware and kitchenware, of tropical wood (excl. of okoumé, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'Afrique, makoré, iroko, tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibétou, limba, azobé, dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau, white lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti, alan, keruing, ramin, kapur, teak, jongkong, merbau, jelutong, kempas, virola, mahogany "Swietenia spp.", imbuia, balsa, palissandre de Rio, palissandre du Brésil or palissandre de Rose, and interior fittings, ornaments, coopers' products, tableware and kitchenware components of wood, brushes, brooms and hand sieves)

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  • 441920900080

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