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Anbefalt term

2204 29 10Wine, other than that referred to in subheading 220410, in bottles with ‘mushroom’ stoppers held in place by ties or fastenings; wine, otherwise put up, with an excess pressure due to carbon dioxide in solution of not less than 1 bar but less than 3 bar, measured at a temperature of 20 °C  

Overordnede begreper


  • Wine, other than that referred to in subheading 220410, in bottles with ‘mushroom’ stoppers held in place by ties or fastenings; wine, otherwise put up, with an excess pressure due to carbon dioxide in solution of not less than 1 bar but less than 3 bar, measured at a temperature of 20 °C

Note om bruk

  • Wine of fresh grapes, incl. fortified wines, in bottles with "mushroom" stoppers held in place by ties or fastenings, holding > 2 l; wine otherwise put up with an excess pressure due to carbon dioxide in solution of >= 1 bar but < 3 bar measured at 20°C, in containers holding > 10 l (excl. sparkling wine)

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  • 220429100080

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