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جست‌وجو در واژگان

زبان محتوا

Concept information

اصطلاح مرجح

6501 00 006501 00 00 Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims; plateaux and manchons (including slit manchons), of felt  

اصطلاح‌های مدخل

  • Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims; plateaux and manchons (including slit manchons), of felt

یادداشت دامنه

  • Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims; plateaux and manchons, incl. slit manchons, of felt

از آن آرایه است.


  • 650100000080

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