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جست‌وجو در واژگان

زبان محتوا

Concept information

اصطلاح مرجح

4411 93 00Of a density exceeding 0,5 g/cm³ but not exceeding 0,8 g/cm³  

مفهوم اعم

اصطلاح‌های مدخل

  • Of a density exceeding 0,5 g/cm³ but not exceeding 0,8 g/cm³

یادداشت دامنه

  • Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, whether or not agglomerated with resins or other organic bonding agents, of a density of >0,5 g/cm³ but <=0,8 g/cm³ (excl. medium density fibreboard "MDF"; particle board, whether or not bonded with one or more sheets of fibreboard; laminated wood with a layer of plywood; cellular wood panels of which both sides are fibreboard; paperboard; identifiable furniture components)

از آن آرایه است.


  • 441193000080

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