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جست‌وجو در واژگان

زبان محتوا

Concept information

اصطلاح مرجح

2620 99Other  

مفهوم اعم

اصطلاح‌های مدخل

  • Other

یادداشت دامنه

  • Slag, ash and residues, containing metals or metal compounds (excl. those from the manufacture of iron or steel, those containing primarily zinc, lead, copper or aluminium, those containing arsenic, mercury, thallium or their mixtures of a kind used for the extraction of arsenic or those metals or for the manufacture of their chemical compounds and those containing antimony, beryllium, cadmium, chromium or their mixtures)

از آن آرایه است.


  • 262099000080

در زبان های دیگر


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