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2825 90 11Calcium hydroxide of a purity of 98 % or more calculated on the dry weight, in the form of particles of which: - not more than 1 % by weight have a particle-size exceeding 75 micrometres and - not more than 4 % by weight have a particle-size of less than 1,3 micrometres  

Entry terms

  • Calcium hydroxide of a purity of 98 % or more calculated on the dry weight, in the form of particles of which: - not more than 1 % by weight have a particle-size exceeding 75 micrometres and - not more than 4 % by weight have a particle-size of less than 1,3 micrometres

Scope note

  • Calcium hydroxide of a purity of >= 98% calculated on the dry weight, in the form of particles of which not > 1% by weight have a particle-size > 75 micrometres and not > 4% by weight have a particle-size of < 1,3 micrometres


  • 282590110080


  • 2825 90 11

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