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جست‌وجو در واژگان

زبان محتوا

Concept information

اصطلاح مرجح

84288428 Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery (for example, lifts, escalators, conveyors, teleferics)  

اصطلاح‌های مدخل

  • Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery (for example, lifts, escalators, conveyors, teleferics)

یادداشت دامنه

  • Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, e.g. lifts, escalators, conveyors, teleferics (excl. pulley tackle and hoists, winches and capstans, jacks, cranes of all kinds, mobile lifting frames and straddle carriers, works trucks fitted with a crane, fork-lift trucks and other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment)

از آن آرایه است.


  • 842800000080

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