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TAQSIMA XV - METALLI KOMUNI U OĠĠETTI MAGĦMULA MINN METALLI KOMUNI > KAPITOLU 73 - OĠĠETTI TAL-ĦADID JEW TAL-AZZAR > 7307 Fittings ta’ tubi u pajpijiet (eż. couplings, elbows, sleeves) tal-ħadid jew tal-azzar

Preferred term

73077307 Fittings ta’ tubi u pajpijiet (eż. couplings, elbows, sleeves) tal-ħadid jew tal-azzar  

Entry terms

  • Fittings ta’ tubi u pajpijiet (eż. couplings, elbows, sleeves) tal-ħadid jew tal-azzar

Belongs to array


  • 730700000080


  • 7307

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